Members News Letter: May/June 2023

Hello once again to all members.

What glorious weather we have had recently. Being able to feel the warmth of the sun on our faces, be it beside an open window, in the garden or out for a daily walk, such a joy. As is seeing plant life starting to awaken giving us an array of wonderful colour and the promise of more to come.

Looking back for a moment to the Group’s AGM, as reported in the recent supplement, Carole Massey is now the Group’s President and will be setting a President’s challenge later in the year!

The Group’s Committee now comprise of the following members –

  • Chairman – Yvonne Smart
  • Vice Chairman – Jim Lait
  • Hon. Treasurer – David Tennant
  • Group secretary – Chris Robinson
  • Membership secretary – Liz D’arville
  • Programme secretary – Yvonne Smart
  • Publicity secretary – vacancy
  • Gallery manager – Yvonne Smart
  • Exhibition manager – Jim Lait
  • Exhibition administrator – Liz D’arville
  • Tuesday evening technician – Chris Robinson
  • General assistance – Helen Daniel and Geoff Christian

Non committee: Thursday afternoon admin – Margery Shaw and Tessa Aston


As you will see, the position of publicity secretary remains vacant. Although I have been sending articles to Flyer, Spotlight (monthly) and Felixstowe magazine (quarterly) with information about Bent Hill, Suffolk Living gallery opportunity etc, to continue with this extra role, especially with all the changes following vacating Bent Hill premises, is not a practical solution.

Publicity is an important part of any group/organisation, as with all events and meetings they will fall flat if public are not made aware of such things.

As said at AGM, this particular role I held for five years some time ago so well acquainted with what it entails, that is, short articles to the above mentioned publications, about Tuesday evening meetings, other up coming events, and to add interest and freshness I used to sometimes write a little about the presenter, gallery, history of group, hints and tips, endless possibilities.

Committee meetings are arranged face to face only when absolutely necessary but generally matters are dealt with by email.

Volunteer Required

Whilst on subject of volunteers, Chris Robinson would like someone to step up to assist with video camera and projector when such items are required for Tuesday evening meetings as the member who was assisting is no longer able to attend Tuesday evenings due to work commitments This would ensure that when/should Chris not be able to attend, there is always someone on hand to do the business. Chris will show you what it entails and it would make sense for anyone volunteering to periodically set up even if Chris is about to ensure information about what to do is not forgotten.

Now you have an idea of what is required please phone one of the numbers on the back of your programme to speak to Liz or myself to register your interest in filling one of these roles. Look forward to hearing from you.

Programme Matters

Now to programme at Broadway House, Orwell Road.

The Creative doodling evening with Claudia Myatt was absolutely fascinating and many members attending were enthused to give it a go at home as well as planning to come along to the workshop evening on 23rd May.

As well as demonstrating and giving lots of helpful ideas to get going, Claudia kindly let us take photos of her work to give inspiration and explained Creative Doodling is making marks without a fixed end is a form of play – and playfulness is an important element of the creative process. It takes away from pressure of having an end result which can be judged good or bad.

Playing with colour and lines help to focus on what it feels like to draw or paint rather than what it looks like – and the results can be surprising.  Set aside a sketch book just for doodling. Keep it open on a table and doodle whilst on the phone, waiting for the kettle to boil, simply sitting and having a quiet moment of me time etc. Range of marks could include a repeating theme, such as shells, geometric shapes, pebbles, birds, spoons, leaves, hands, knots. Look around the room and use some of the patterns you see in the carpet, curtains, fabrics etc as a starting point for doodling. Perhaps the pattern on some of your items around the home started out as a doodle?!

Doodle in colour, trying a different selection of colours each day. This is a good way to get to know your colours and mixes. Add patches of colour to your pen doodles without feeling you are colouring in. Ignore some lines, follow others.

Although results don’t matter, sometimes they happen by accident and you will create something to keep, progress with or discover new colour combinations.

Paper, pen, pencil or brush at the ready …… enjoy the freedom to create!

Tuesday 13th June 7.30pm at Broadway House sees, at popular request, Anne Plummer return to this time demonstrate Capturing images of the humble marble in acrylic.

Coach Trip

Don’t forget —–  Coach trip to Norwich Wednesday 14th June Cost £12

  • An opportunity to visit galleries, museums, check out art supplies, and more.
  • Depart Great Eastern Square 9.00am and arrive outside Norwich Castle 10.30am
  • Depart Norwich Castle 4.00pm and arrive Felixstowe Great Eastern Square 5.30pm

Members may bring guest(s) – Payment to be made when booking giving name of passengers and can be handed in on Tuesday 23rd May also during month of May Thursday afternoon meetings at Conservative Club to Margery or Tessa or phone membership secretary (number on back of programme card) for bank transfer details or address to deliver/send.

Important …..To avoid coach cancellation fee if not enough are seats booked deadline for booking seats, with payment, is Friday 2nd June.

Look forward to hearing from you about coach trip, volunteering roles and of course your entry for Annual Exhibition which preparation for is already well underway.



The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of – Leonardo da Vinci