Monthly Archives: March 2024

Members Newsletter: March/April 2024

Welcome to your Group Members newsletter.  Although snowdrops now returning to their long sleep, drifts of yellow now are a joy to see, summer time begins and soon it will be Group’s AGM to round off the current programme year.

With this latest newsletter you will find two attachments relating to AGM and renewal ….. Agenda for forthcoming AGM on Tuesday 23rd April, 7.30pm at Broadway House, Orwell Road, Felixstowe and the Minutes of AGM 2023.

You will shortly, if not already, receive your Membership renewal form. I do hope you will be renewing for another year of demonstrations, talks, work evenings, painting sessions and exhibiting opportunities, However, in order for you to be aware of important changes please note –

During a committee meeting a while ago, discussion took place on the long standing issue of the perceived imbalance between the benefits enjoyed by members who attend the Thursday meetings and those who attend the Tuesday meetings, namely Thursday attendees pay for the privilege while the Tuesday evening meetings are free.

This imbalance also applies to exhibiting at the gallery where members pay a hanging fee whereas those that enter work to be hung at the Annual Exhibition do not.

The outcome from which it was unanimously decided to address this imbalance by introducing a £1 charge from May 2024 for Tuesday evening meetings with visitors charge to currently remain at £2 along with a hanging fee of £1 per work for the Annual Exhibition. Currently there will be no charge for unframed work and the three social activities, namely, Saturday New Year Social, Drawing challenge and Group’s AGM.

The committee feel it is a fair way to address this imbalance and sincerely hope this does not deter you renewing your membership and enjoying being a member of the Felixstowe Art Group.

Looking at other changes –

I am very pleased to say two volunteers stepped forward to assist the running of the Group. One further enquiry was received but subsequently withdrawn due to unexpected change of circumstances.

Publicity SecretaryJanet Woodard volunteered for this role plus Tuesday evening Technical Assistant. With no other volunteers coming forward, Janet was co-opted before AGM to commence producing articles for Spotlight/Flyer/ Town Council magazine, with immediate effect. Thank you Janet, it is greatly appreciated and a relief for this role to be filled.

Programme SecretaryThank you Tony Osler for volunteering for this role assisted by myself. As with Janet, it is greatly appreciated and a relief for this role to be filled.

Group secretaryDisappointed this position remains unfilled.

Role of Group secretary

Unlike some organisations whereby the secretarial role requires a great deal of work, this role has been sliced down to ensure it is manageable with Liz D’arville dealing with website enquiries as they are 99% about membership with any other enquiries passed on to me in my role a Group’s Chairman. Bi-monthly newsletters plus supplements that may be required and venue bookings will also continue to be dealt with by me.

Role itself now consists of –

  • Distribution via email members bi-monthly newsletters (and the very occasional supplement as required)
  • Members not on email will currently be dealt with by David to hand deliver to local members and mail non-local
  • Annual print run of Membership renewal forms / Annual Exhibition pack / Annual Exhibition favourite painting slip.
  • From time to time, other printing requirements such as membership form needing to be restocked and could be shared with David Tennant if preferred.
  • A wireless printer will be supplied and ink plus paper expenses covered.

This position could certainly be shared with one member dealing with distribution of newsletters and another member dealing with printing.

Please do give some serious thought about supporting the Group in this role.

Regarding committee meetings these have been reduced to one after the Annual Exhibition and the main AGM. Most matters are dealt with via email unless absolutely essential a face to face meeting is required.

Although I have spent some time endeavouring to set out information on above role without rambling, please use contact details on the back of your programme card or reply via Chris who is sending out this newsletter and will forward any question/offer of your help.

We cannot fully succeed running the Group to its full potential without you.

Suffolk Living gallery space

Thank you to members who submitted work at the latest changeover. Although sales are down it is good to know members are not discouraged to exhibit their work as it all helps to maintain a high profile of Group activities.

The next changeover will be Wednesday 8th May, 10.15 until 11.45am.

Details giving your name, title, price and medium can be left in box under bench in gallery area downstairs and will be required by Thursday 2nd May.

Tuesday evening Drawing challenge meeting

I am delighted to announce results of the various entries voted as members favourite –

Decorated letter of the alphabet  – Trophy and prize awarded to Gillian Lait with prize awarded to Gillian Richie as runner up

Pair of shoes – Trophy and prize awarded to Fran Hicks with prize awarded to Joanna Albareian as runner up

Set of keys – Trophy and prize awarded to Marina Jacobs with prize awarded to Rowena Kerslake as runner up.

The evening was very well attended and certainly worth the effort to organise. Another such evening is offered in the 2024/25 Tuesday evening programme.

Another much enjoyed evening was Chris Parfitt’s illustrated talk ‘Bhutan’s Arts and Crafts’. Not only did we view fine examples of art, including beautifully decorated buildings, inside and out, Chris also brought along a selection of craft work, such detail and combination of colours. Members found the evening most inspiring.

See you soon

